Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 233

30 day photo challenge: day 21, pretty pattern.


The other day I had noticed a really pattern the sun had made streaming through the windows onto our tiled floor and thought that would be perfect for today's theme of "pretty pattern". Wouldn't you know it though, I awoke this morning to an overcast, drizzly miserable day. No sun here. Oh well, a drizzly Sunday for me usually means I get things done around the house, and my freshly made bed gave me another idea for the theme.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 232

30 day photo challenge: day 20, what I read.


I honestly haven't done much reading in a little while now. This is the latest series my 14 year old daughter has been pestering me to read. Got through chapter 1 (was a little predictable) and it doesn't seem to be too bad. I think you need to be in the right frame of mind though!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 231

30 day photo challenge: day 19, where I slept.


Straight out of bed, exactly the way I left it. Working in a high end linen shop really has its benefits. I love my bed with it's super soft sheets, gorgeous wool underlay and light feather and down doona. Bliss.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 230

30 day photo challenge.

Day 18: in my bag.


minus the junk! don't ask me why there are vintage glass buttons in there from Paris, I have no idea!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 229

So instead of beating myself up about all the days I have missed from the 30 day photo challenge, I decided to take a few photos from the themes I missed, and move on from there. Sound reasonable?

day 10: something I made.


day 12: close-up.


day 13: from a distance.


day 15: my shoes.

my shoes

Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 221

30 day challenge: Day 8 & 9, technology & faceless self portrait.

Cheating a lot today, combining two days into one. I forgot to take my "technology" shot before I went to work yesterday and when I got home was too tired to even turn my laptop on! I must have been tired!

So, this is my technology, and faceless selfie. My laptop is usually fused to my hands anyway, so this shot works well! Forgive the dry skin, badly chewed nails and little cat scratches on my hand won't you. A day in the life of Selina!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 218

30 day challenge: Day 6, childhood memory.

There isn't too many childhood memories for me that don't include this stuffed dogs face in some way or another.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 217

oops, seems I had my day of the year wrong! That's what I get for not blogging enough!


30 day challenge: Day 5, someone I love.

This was a little tricky as I don't like to blog photos of my daughter or husband and they are of course the first things that popped into my head for this shot. But then this morning opportunity presented itself in the form of Monty. I was looking for him for about 20 minutes until I found him curled up under the covers of my bed, with just his little head and paw poking out. The first shot was the keeper. I mean, who wouldn't love this little face?!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 204

30 day photo challenge: Day 2, what I wore.


Not wanting to take the same sort of pic as yesterday, I went for my favourite shot, the shoe shot. These shoes I picked up in Paris! Added in my grey skinny jeans, the staple of my winter wardrobe.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 203

30 day photo challenge : Day 1, self portrait.


Eeek. How hard is it for a photographer to show photos of themselves! After about 20 shots, this is the least hated. I actually think starting the challenge off with a selfie was a brilliant idea. Now we get to see everyone straight up. So, this is me. Hi, how's it going?